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SBC Synthetic Rubber SIS 4114 (XF-50001) Granular

SBC Synthetic Rubber SIS 4114 (XF-50001) Granular

  • VECTOR 4114 SIS/SI is a mixture of linear triblock and biblock copolymers.The styrene content was 15 % and the double block content was 42 %.The softness is higher than that of VECTOR 4113 SIS, meanwhile, the viscosity is lower and the content of modular copolymer is lower, which is suitable for the production of adhesive. synthetic rubber factory styrene butadiene rubber suppliers

    Widely used in adhesives, coatings, plastic modification and other fields.As well as hot-melt pressure-sensitive adhesive, packaging bags, women’s sanitary napkins, diapers, double-sided adhesive, self-adhesive, meiwei tape and label, etc. synthetic rubber factory styrene butadiene rubber suppliers

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